Docomomo Chile

Chilean chapter of Docomomo International

El secretariado de Docomomo International se traslada desde Barcelona a Lisboa

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Lisbon, 1 April 2014

Dear Docomomo chapters,

Docomomo International is pleased to inform that the headquarters have been
transferred from Barcelona (Mies van der Rohe Foundation) to Lisbon
(Instituto Superior Técnico – Lisbon University).

At the last Executive Committee meeting that took place in Lisbon on 12th
July 2013, followed by the Advisory Board meeting also held in Lisbon on 4th
September 2013, the financial situation of Docomomo International and its
headquarters at the Mies van der Rohe foundation in Barcelona was discussed.
As many of you may know, since the Mies van der Rohe Foundation changed the
direction at the end of 2012, DOCOMOMO has gone through a difficult
situation due to the lack of sponsorship. In fact, the new foundation
direction set priorities that did not include the funding of Docomomo
International. Not even the occupation abidance of Docomomo’s office space
could be assured.

Last September, the Advisory Board (see the attached document) welcomed and
supported the proposal of moving the headquarters from Barcelona to Lisbon
at the Instituto Superior Técnico – Lisbon University, profiting the Lisbon
City Council Mayor offer to fund Docomomo International for 2014-2016 in
order to fulfill the mandate accorded until 2016. The protocol between
Docomomo International and the Lisbon City Council was approved last
February. The transference is now under progress and Docomomo International
will start working from Lisbon from April 2014.

Docomomo International also informs that the Secretary General announced in
July 2013 his intention to drop his position although he will assist the
Council Meeting at the next Docomomo International Conference in Korea. The
architect Zara Ferreira, who’s being since then gradually assuming the
secretary’s work and who attended the last AB meeting, will ensure the other
secretariat functions as Director nominated by the Chair and by the General
Secretary for that purpose.

Ana Tostões
Ivan Blasi

General Secretary

Docomomo International

Written by Claudio Galeno

May 4th, 2014 at 2:16 pm

Posted in Noticias/News